UI for Managing Tags

A number of clients have requested this. Some desired features include:

  • Creating and deleting tags
  • Renaming any existing tag
  • Merging two or more tags into one

Are there other critical features you'd like to see here? Please add your thoughts in the comments, or just click "Me Too!" to vote up this feature.


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    Brandon Foster Official comment

    Hi Folks,

    We're pleased to announce the release of a new Tags management page as part of the release. You can read more about it here:


  • 0
    Andrew Honacker

    Yes please!

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    Alex Meddick

    It would also be great to be able to create tags on import. Or at least be able to create tags in bulk.

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    Melanie Schaffer

    This will be really helpful!

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    Frank Rueter

    that would be really useful!!

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    Stephen Lu

    This would definitely be helpful!

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    Heather Dinkins

    yes, it would be very helpful indeed!!

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    Anthony Le Du

    This would be realy helpful to have these features, otherwise the tag base can be quite easily polluted with typing errors, etc.
    Any ETA for this ?

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    Amina Rachdi

    +1 : would be realy useful !

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    Melanie Schaffer

    It would be great if we could compile all the tags in one page and add a description

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    François TARLIER

    any news on that ? The only solution I found so far is to use  a custom entity as a tag database. :( 

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    Janis Robertson

    Agree on creating tags on bulk import. 

    I think it would also be useful to have permissions as far as who can edit tags. 

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    Ben Toogood

    Any progress on this? Our tags database is filling up quickly with typos and duplicates .....

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    Thomas Skareteg

    This wants a bump. A tags page that list all tags so some can be deleted, is a must to keep the system clean and tidy.

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    Jacob Medendorp

    Perhaps some sort of synonym dictionary as well.  For instance, if you had tags like "cloth, clothes, clothing, wardrobe, outfit, outfits, costume, costumes", you would probably want all threse to show up whenever one of the tags is used.  It would help for the plural vs singular cases as well.

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    René Calles

    For the App Developers side it would be great to be able to get all Tags with a single request. Filtering by project, asset or any other Entity would be awesome.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hey everyone,

    The work on this would would be to convert Tags to be a real entity. Once we do that, we can show them on page, give you ways to display/manage/rename them. It's not a tremendous amount of work, but enough that we'd need to schedule it against other big projects on the roadmap. Not something we'll be getting into just yet, but I think we have enough info on this one to make it actionable when we do! Marking it as Not Planned for now, but I'll flip it to Planned when we get to it. Thanks for your patience on this one.

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    Russel Rehmund

    This one has come up a few times now in meetings with our production team.  Thanks!

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    Ken Niiyama

    Any news on this?

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    Thomas Skareteg

    Yes please.. our shotgun site is now almost 7 years old.. this is a growing issue.. it´s becoming real messy with tags now.
    It´s high time to look at it. We have been waiting since 2013

  • 0
    Brandon Foster

    Hi Folks,

    Thanks for the renewed interest in this. I'll be working with the developers to revisit the v1 spec of this based on your feedback (and the groundwork investigation Ben started last year). No firm ETA on an implementation date, but as soon as I have more info on the subject I'll share it here.

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    Julien Virgile

    Hello !

    That would make our world a better one !


  • 0
    Brandon Foster

    Hi Julien et al,

    We're wrapping up designs on this feature and I'll be working to get it into an upcoming sprint. Once development officially gets underway I'll be able to provide a more definitive estimate for when you can expect to see this released.

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