Ability to set the default Subject for Notes

Currently, we automatically set the subject for Notes to be "[Person creating Note]'s Note on [Entity]"

We've heard from different clients that it would be great to configure these defaults so that the auto-generated subject is more meaningful for them. Some examples include:

- Ability to format the date
- Ability to remove Brackets (or customize to some other character)
- Ability to have nothing show up rather than [Playlist name: No Playlist]

Please add your support to this request if you'd like to see this feature in the future.


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    Oscar Juarez

    Yes, right now if you are working in several projects at once there is now way to know from which project are the notes talking about. I know this info can be seen with the Note Info button, but email notifications are very confusing since this info is not available.

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    Armando Ricalde

    Hi Oscar,

    Regarding email notifications you can configure the subject to include the name of the project. 

    And in the SG inbox you can group by project, this really helps a lot. We also have to deal with several projects running at the same time.

    Greetings from México (Don't you miss the food?)

    But besides this, of course it would be great to customize the defaul subject.

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    Erik Nelson

    I personally would love the ability to customize any of the default fields in the pop up boxes. The note subject and the Version name primarily (when creating a new version) using identifiers.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi everyone, I have a question for this group:

    Right now we auto-generate subjects in two places:

    1) When you make a Note with no subject, we'll automatically create one based on this format: {User}'s Note on {Note.note_links}. For example, if I make a Note without a Subject on a Version, it will show up as "Ben's Note on 008_a_team_comp_v1, 008_a_team".

    2) When you make a Note using Review Notes, we'll suggest a subject based on this format: {Playlist.name} - {today's date}. So "Director Review - Mar 12"

    Case #2 seems useful, but #1 doesn't. What would you guys think about turning off #1? Our strategy would be 1) get rid of useless Subjects and then 2) give you more tools to customize the subject to whatever you'd like it to be.

    There are many cases, like in the Inbox, where it would be better if we just showed more metadata (like the Project), so we could do that too. But right now, subjects seem a little messy, so let me know what you think about this plan.

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    Armando Ricalde

    Hi Ben,

    I agree with you, if several notes have been made for the same entity by the same person, it doesn't make any sense neither helps find the info someone maybe looking for when you see 10 notes with the same subject: "Ben's Note on 008_a_team_comp_v1, 008_a_team"

    If you provide more tools to customize the subject, go ahead and get rid of useless Subjects please.


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    Erik Nelson

    It seems to me broader customization is always better. If i could just set the default metadata to be used in the subject in both cases 1 and 2 that would be great! Then it wouldn't matter what your defualt is at each place ... i could just affect it to suit the particular project's needs

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    Ben Hadden

    Hey Erik, can you give me a few examples for what you'd like to set as defaults in the Note form? I'm interested.

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    Erik Nelson

    Entity name, Time and Date, Issuer's name, specific pipeline steps.

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    Sunil Kapoor

    The Inbox notifications and Legacy notifications have have two different Subjects, as we've customized the email notification subject in the Site Preferences, but this is not reflected in the Inbox notification emails. This is really confusing and unnecessary - would be great if this feature to customize the Note subject is implemented soon to fix this confusion.

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    Melanie Schaffer

    It would be helpful to have these on the note subject: Project, department or pipeline step, entity name (asset, shot,...). 

    Or a customizable list that will allow the person to choose the most appropriate title for the note. For example, retake, approval, question,...

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    Would love to see a customizable default subject field with custom metadata values.

    (Entity)(Date)(pipeline_step) and any number of other values that might be useful.

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    Hannes Reindl

    Yes I would also like to see it in a way where i have a simple text input which accepts a simple syntax to put in fields into the subject and some custom text, something like this:


    {sg_note_type} {user} added a note on {note_links}

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    Julien Virgile

    Hello !

    I am from Mikros and I would definitely like to be able to set the default subjects in notes. With something as follow


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    Lorenzo Basurto

    + One

    I'd appreciate the possibility to customize automatic subject field for both, notes and reviews.

    Hope it will be there soon.



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    Jonathan Chavez

    +1. In grid views, the Subject field contains info that is listed more cleanly in other fields we have exposed (Link, Author). However, I need to keep Subject exposed to be able to click into the Note. As a stop gap to the recommendations above, even just having an option to default to {note_links} would be helpful for us to shorten what's displayed. Or, perhaps, having another clickable link to the Note (Description?).

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    Tobias Pfeiffer

    +1 for Hannes Reindl's approach

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    Shauna Lee

    We would also like to be able to customize the Subject field on Notes. For us, we ask people to try and follow a convention to put the date first before anything else in the Subject line. One of the reasons for us, is so that any notes in the Open Notes field sort in order of date. I believe the sorting of how notes appear in Open Notes is by Subject and currently can't be adjusted. Or perhaps if we could adjust how Open Notes sort within the field, that would also help us out a bit. 

    Are there any plans for this in the future? 

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