Enable filmstrip thumbnails and Screening Room play icon for Query fields

At the moment you can't enable a filmstrip thumbnail/play icon when displaying a thumbnail for a Query field. We've heard from clients that this would be handy for displaying the latest Version linked to an Entity. Whilst you can display the latest Version linked to an Entity via a Query field, the thumbnail is static and won't launch into Screening Room Overlay Player when clicking on it, nor is it a filmstrip thumbnail.

Please +1 this request if you'd like to see this supported in the future.


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    Brandon Foster Official comment

    Hi Folks,

    Happy to say this is available in the release that's out today.

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    Armando Ricalde

    Bumping this up!

    And not only from query fields, but also when displaying the Thumbnail linked field of a Version.

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    Dave Lajoie

    Agree, gets my vote as well

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    Alex Meddick

    For queries that return a single version, perhaps an option to see the "play circle",  thumbnail and version name (which links to the detail page), similar to what you see in the Media App (see attached) would be a nice second step.

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    Alexey Borzykh

    +1 on this feature. Our supervisors want to have separate thumbnailed/playable fields for a certain pipeline steps like animation, lighting, compose, e.t.c lined up in a row, for each shot.

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