Duplicating Saved Filters

Hi There,

I often create various saved filters that are only slightly different. They may have a few lines in the filters that are the same and then one that is different. It would be great to be able to duplicate a filter, change it and its name and then save it as a second saved filter.




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    Armando Ricalde

    Definitely a must.

    This would help tons to adoption when training users, and of course to speed up working with SG. You know, when you teach someone how to do a complex filter and they need variations like Alex pointed out, and you have to tell them, now do it again from scratch again and just change this condition. They get really disappointed of SG when they can't just copy the original filter and do a simple edit. This is a true fact.

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    Janis Robertson

    I agree. This costs us a lot of time in unnecessary work. Especially you need to make a change to a filter and then populate it across multiple pages. 

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    Alexandra Lefève-Gourmelon

    It would also be great to be able to copy or move a filter from "My filters" to "Saved filters".

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    Sean McAlear

    Agreed, this would be fantastic for all of the reasons outlined above.

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    Brandon Foster

    Howdy Folks,

    I'm happy to share that this has been implemented in the 5.3.36 release of Shotgun. Once your site is upgraded you'll find a new Duplicate button in the lower lefthand corner as seen below. Let us know how it's working for you!


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    Heather Dinkins

    this is wonderful - thank you!

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