Project Timeline | Create Custom Time Frame Buttons In UI

Hey guys!

My sup. was looking for the ability to make some new default time frame buttons beyond the default "Week", "Month", "6 Months", "1 Year", and "Custom". He'd like to have one that's always from today's date to two weeks out. It'd be great to have the ability to do so and also set that custom button as the default somehow.




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    Nate Barnard

    I concur.  The available views are a bit frustrating.  

    Perhaps this is not the right place for this but: (Maybe bump to a new thread?)
    1.  After adding one of our projects to the timeline, the amount of data put in requires a greater amount of horizontal room to still be able to see the text in the Gantt.  Once it reverts to only colours the overview becomes, well, colours.  Can we get at least double the horizontal Zoom available?  Or make the row height draggable for resize like we can for columns on other shotgun pages?

    2.  Need a slider at the bottom to scroll.  

    3.  Not sure how it is deciding to sort multiple pipeline steps starting on the same day.  It isn't alphabetical, the order I entered the info, or based on pipeline step completion date.  What is the stacking intelligence?  Can get the ability to sort it by: Dept/Pipeline Step or End Date or Alphabetical (or perhaps another field?)



  • 0
    Armando Ricalde
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