Support for text as icons for custom statuses

Clients would like to be able to create a text-based icon when they create a custom status option. These would look like the build-in Person status options "Active" and "Disabled."


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    My request is similar to this. I would like the option to have the long text displayed next to the icon or to have only the long text displayed so people don't need a key to interpret the icons at a glance if they don't have them memorized.

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    Douglas Lassance

    I do not know if they need to be text-based icons but I guess simply being able to display statuses as text in columns would be a nice option to have. Visual language is good when you have a few statuses but in some more granular scenarios text is less confusing for users.

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    Heather Dinkins

    this would be a good option to have, but the request I have often heard is having the text based version exported rather than the code field.

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    Hasiel Hassan Alvarez Zavala

    Also + to the option to get the full code name of the status in the tooltip

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    Aaron Esterling

    Yes, please allow text in the status field rather than just the icon.

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    It has been a few years and I'd like to emphasize my support for getting text based status fields.

    Icons are impractical for any sort of complex approval and review system since users would need to memorize all the icon and color combinations rather than simply reading words that explain the status. Also, workflows that require multiple stages of review and delivery require more types of statuses that can be reasonably represented with icons.

    The data that needs to be displayed is there in the "Name" of the status. All we need is a column view option to show the "Name" (or even the "Short code" instead of the icon.

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    Julien Virgile

    I'm joining in on this !

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    Russell Forde

    Im seconding this... Couldnt believe it wasnt standard.

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    Shauna Lee

    Yes please!

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    Mark Lin

    yes please. 

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    Hi again -- I would still like the option to display text instead of the icon in status columns. The icon is great when it shows up next to a linked item's name, but when working directly with status columns, I want to see text. I've encountered many users who feel the same way.

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    Alice Kaiserian

    yesssss please.


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    Samuel Clark

    I'm in support of this. I don't think it needs to be a "text based icon" though. Just text would be super.

    And who's that "samclark" guy? What a weird name.

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