Multiple Files/ Option to create many versions or combine into one

Currently, creating a number of versions is easy to do, by simply uploading multiple files the version creation form.

If I have an animation cycle, I may want to upload a front view, side view and back view together easily as a single version, without editing in additional software.





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    Armando Ricalde

    Do you mean one after another or all of them playing at the same time in a tile fashion? 

    Either way can be done with RV, or you can code a custom version uploader with that option that uses ffmpeg/imagemagick to do the job.

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    Julia S. Bacak

    Thank you! We have decided against RV at this time for our studio, but it sounds like that custom version might be the way to go!

    Thank you for the info!


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    Mitchell Lotierzo

    I think it's more a matter of being able to simply upload multiple media files per version as opposed to SG creating a version per media file.


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    Stephen Schick

    It's odd that Notes will allow multiple attached images per Note, but Versions won't.

    As we are working with 3D assets, a Version would ideally consist of multiple screenshots of the model.

    I can see that the thumbnail presents a problem - which attached image would be used for the thumbnail? First? User-specified?


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    Armando Ricalde
    You could generate a quicktime movie file out of all the screenshots of the 3D Asset, and the Filmstrip of the Thumbnail will show them when hovering over. Of course, when reviewing using the Screening Room App, instead of playing the movie it would be more appropiate to step one frame at a time in order to appreciate each of the different views. Hope this help, Doc
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