Crew Planning - ability to scroll horizontally

We've heard from some studios, that they'd like the ability to scroll left and right, while using Crew Planning, so you don't have to switch between different views to see all of the information - more in-line with how our Task Gantt chart is navigated. 

If this is a feature you'd find useful, please "Me Too" on this one, and feel free to add in any comments below. 


  • 0
    Armando Ricalde

    And also interactive zooming please. Would be great to have them both with a shortcut key + mouse click dragging combination, but at least a scrollbar and a zoom slider would be enough as a start (plus and minus sign shortcut keys also would be sweet).

    And feature request(s) also apply to the Project Timeline App.
    Please, these 2 Apps have been in beta stage for a very long time, move them to the next level.


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    Thomas Skareteg


    Time for them to get some much needed love

  • 0
    Anne Akande

    And the ability to see the how many man days each resource is taking up (excluding the weekends!)

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