Better breadcrumbs on content pages.

Within any given content page (threaded entity, sequence, shot, etc.), it's not readily apparent how to navigate to the next item in the series.  For example, how to navigate to the next shot in the sequence, the next sequence in the show, the next thread, etc.  Also, to view a sequence from a shot, you have to explicitly enter the sequence name in the autocomplete box.  Many content-heavy web sites have a breadcrumb trail somewhere along with other top navigational links.  It would be awesome if Shotgun could somehow also have breadcrumbs listed.


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    Lu Liu

    +1. We have the shots list on the shot detail page, to jump from one to another in the old time. Just wish to get it back.


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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Jennifer and Lu,

    This is a feature we're exploring and I'd love to ask you a couple more questions:

    - In order to show breadcrumbs, we'll need to know how entities should be organized (i.e. Shots are organized into Sequences, Assets into Asset.type, etc). Can you share some examples of how you organize your entities are your studios?

    - Would you need this type of navigation on all your entities, or just specific ones?

    - Does navigation change from project to project, or is it relatively the same across all projects?

    Thanks for your input!

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    Lu Liu

    Speaking IMHO

    1. I can't remember how it's organized in shotgun 4.0, I think if it shows the shots in the same sequence, asset in the same type will be fine
    2. we need it for shots and assets only
    3. the drop list should show entities in the same project.



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    Jennifer Brola

    Let me double back with our team to make sure I'm relaying the full scope of entity relationships - I'll followup by email!  Thanks for looking into this!

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