Auto-link media to Entities in Media App

We've heard from a few clients that they'd like to drag and drop media into the Media App and have this automatically link to the corresponding Entity. We'd love to support this but need to establish how the parsing of the file name would work with linking to the correct Entity. Please let us know how you would like to see this work by adding a comment and your support to this feature request.


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    Nate Barnard

    I'd love this, although I see the tricky part.

    Perhaps dragging onto an existing version that is linked to an asset/task would link the drag and dropped items there too.
    Or, under the LIBRARY, one could select assets, and this brings up a column view of assets grouped by type, where an artist drags there media to.
    If we can auto link to a playlist when dragging to a selected one, dragging to an asst or shot should work too, no?  Issue is if you drag to an asset, you still need to edit to link it to a playlist.  Maybe, drag and drop to an asset with a pop-up saying, "Would you like to link this to one of these open playlists?" queue drop down select open playlists.  
    So, select Asset under Library, expand types to get to the one you want, expand that and it shows available tasks, drop there and the playlist option box comes up.  Presto!  Same could work for shots.

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    Nate Barnard

    Still need to edit path to source frames after upload to make it playable in rv full res though but you'd be down to one field.

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    Alexey Borzykh

    We actually have this feature pretty easily implemented using eventTrigger daemon and some basic scripting. The key thing here is to have media naming conventions what could be parsed. Our naming convention for a shot playblast (version) is:


    in a short way it could be: ep11_seq01_sh05_sub01_LAY_v01.mov

    So, it contains all the info we need to correctly link our media.

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    Permanently deleted user

    @Alexey. I like the approach. Our file names are also unique so its an easy way to implement it via the EventDaemon. The one issue when something is wrongly named is that we can't reject it or ask the user what the file is meant to be.

    @Astrid: If you want it to work out of the box for people the only easy way I can think of is using named regular expressions which link to shotgun entities:

    ie: (?P<episode.code>[a-z0-9])_(?P<sequence.code>[a-z0-9])
    the regex would filter out the asset/shot name and the task name to link to. And if its a unique match its auto linked

    It won't work for everybody but you might be able to cover 50%+ of studios and the rest can use the EventManager to do it fully custom.


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