Browse Playlists in the Media App

We've had feedback from clients that they'd like to be able to browse Playlists, similar to Screening Room where you can see a list of Playlists grouped by Date Updated, in the Media App. At the moment you need to know the name of the Playlist to search for it. This feature would help you find a Playlist if you only know the Playlist's date.

Please click 'Me too' if you'd also like to see this supported in the Media App.


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    Nate Barnard

    Having a drop down select of OPEN playlists would be sufficient for us.  

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    Andrew Lawrence

    Howdy Folks,

    Happy to say this is now possible with the release of Shotgun 6.3 and the Global Media App! Through the media app you can now browse to a project and check out all of your playlists for that project. You can check out the release notes for 6.3 below




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