Checklist Data Type

Hi, in our pipeline we have a informal "To Do" list per tasks.  It used as reminder before someone start a new task.   It would be great if we could do it directly in shotgun.  Mason suggest that I post this idea here.

I think the best way to keep that generic, is to create a new type of Data Type for that.  An Array with 3 fields: Name (string), Description (string), IsChecked (bool)





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    Dení C. Gloria

    I second this, at our studio we have been playing around with the same idea. What would also be awesome to complement this, is to have the ability to create task templates of these checklists. So that everytime I create a "layout" task, I can attach a "layout checklist" template to it.


    On the same line, but different subject. We have thought of solving this problem ( having to do lists ) using subtasks as well, subtasks would also be a great addition. Does anyone else think subtasks would be an useful feature?


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    Marc Dubrois

    I agree with Mathieu and Deni, it would be awesome to have a check list available.

    the check list could be linked to task or not.

    that's could be a very helpful reminder in production.



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    kir skaletski

    + my vote

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    Alexey Borzykh
    Subtasks would be great to have
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