auto-follow option

As a supervisor, I want to auto-follow all sequences and shots in a show. I can do this manually, but if a new shot is added and I forget to follow it immediately, I end up missing updates to that shot, and the Inbox (the only truly usable search on the entire site) does not get retro-active posts so those are gone from there forever. 


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    Hartman- Kurt

    I whole heartedly agree with this idea!  Maybe it could be an option to just follow an entire project?

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    Yurii Hydrick

    Hands down! I think this is an absolute must. One of the main points of a project management tool is to make sure deadlines don't get missed... if an entity can be created by one user, without the other relevant user's knowing... deliverables will easily slip through the cracks.

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    Yurii Hydrick

    Hands down agree! This is an absolute must. One of the main points of a project management tool is to eliminate things slipping through the cracks. For an entity to be created by one user, but the users who are the one's who will be working on it don't know it was created, that seems like a big crack where things will get missed.

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