Turn Client Notes into Notes visible to all permission groups

At the moment, the Client Review Site creates 'Client Notes' that can be hidden from certain permission groups by the permission "Can Lock Playlists and Share Playlists via Client Review Site", eg:


However, there's currently no easy way to transform a hidden Client Note into a Note visible to all permission groups, aside from copying the Note and pasting into a new Note.


Please add your support to this feature request if you'd like to be able to easily transform a Client Note into a normal Note visible to all permission groups.



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    Michael Best

    That would be really helpful for any supervisor in order to filter the communication between client and artists where needed.

    Besides that an option in the app permissions like "Can see client notes" would be great as well.

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    Jennifer-Jo Barker

    Agreed that this would be super helpful!

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    Armando Ricalde


    Now that we've started using the Client Review Site this would be extremely helpful.
    A handy feature would be to push these new-visible-made Notes to new recipients and not just make them visible.

    Though I can see one conflict with this another requested feature if not handled properly in terms of permissions:
    You don't want everybody to have the power to reply to a Client Note, but maybe yo do want to continue an internal discussion about it. What a dilemma.

    This is a tricky one.

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    Johnny Duguid

    We don't have plans to support this anytime soon, but - interestingly - there's a bit of a bug that allows you to duplicate a Client Note and it then shows up in Shotgun as a standard note. (The only difference between a Note and Client Note is a Note-level checkbox field call Client Note.) Originally, we planned to fix the bug, but it provided a method to "easily make client notes into regular notes without nuking the original client note" so we left it as is.

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