Open a Version into the Overlay Player with a URL link

We've heard feedback from clients that they'd like to open a single Version into the Overlay Player using a URL link. At the moment, you can only use a URL link to open a Version into Screening Room, eg. https://yoursitename.shotgunstudio.com/page/screening_room?entity_type=Version&entity_id=242, where 242 is the ID of the Version. We're thinking that opening the Version into the Overlay Player with the Media App page in the background would be the best option.

Please add your support to this feature if you'd like to be able to open a Version directly into the Overlay Player with a URL link.


  • 0
    Kym Watts

    My +1 is For Tom's Media_center url link. we would like that

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    Shayna Duguid

    Hi Tony, 

    I've tested on our latest hosted version of Shotgun (, and this issue does not exist on this latest version.



  • 0
    Shayna Duguid

    Also, marking this as done - yay :-)

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    Pierre Charlet

    It works for version, but not for playlists. 


    -> open the playlist in the Media page, but you still have to click on the "play" button of the playlist to launch it with the Overlay Player. Could it be possible to have a field in the URL that add that option ? 

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