Batch / bulk / multi-edit in Crew Planning

It would be very useful in the Crew Planning app to be able to create a Booking on multiple People at once. If I have 10 people to assign to a Project, I currently have to do it one-at-a-time. Would be a big time-saver to somehow select all the People and make the new Booking for them all at once.

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    Heather Dinkins

    this would be so helpful to our scheduling teams!  please do consider adding this.

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    Well, I just learned we already have this feature! (That was a quick turnaround!)

    You can multi-select people in Crew Planning, right-click, and choose the option "Create Bookings for Selected People." This will give you a dialog that lets you create a booking for everyone you selected. Marking this one as Done. :)


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    Mathieu Raynault

    Yes, but still it would be great to ba able to copy/paste bookings. Once a booking is created and you want to apply it to multiple people, there is no quick copy/pas way to do it.

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