Don't add/remove people from Projects when updating Bookings in Crew Planning

We've heard feedback from clients that they don't want the creation of Bookings in the Crew Planning App to add or remove people from Projects. At the moment, if a new is Booking is made on a Project for a person then they are automatically linked to that Project and if all Bookings for a Project are removed for a person then they are automatically removed from that Project.

Please add your support to this feature request if you don't want Crew Planning App to automatically affect Project linking.


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    David Samija

    I would rather have a button on the Project's People page that allows me to "import bookings from crewplanner." with the options "overwrite, or add" when clicked. This would be an action taken by the  Project Page user, not the Crewplanner user.

    That would expedite  new show set up, without relinquishing control by the individual Project. The project user could update at will.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hey everyone,

    We pulled this into the current release because it was causing lots of pain for those using Crew Planning. Our approach will be to add a preference to *not** automatically link people to Projects when booking them in Crew Planning. I'll announce here when this is available.

    @David, with this new feature, you'll be able to book people to projects (without auto-linking them to Projects). Then, you can go to a Bookings page in the project, pull on the Person -> Projects field, and add the current project when you're ready to link them. That's a few more steps than your suggestion (which I like!), but wonder if it'll be a good workaround in the meantime. Please let me know.


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    Ben Hadden

    We've added an advanced pref (Site Preferences > Advanced) that will now let you prevent linking people to projects based on booking them to a project in Crew Planning. See attached!


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    Christian Deiss

    Thank you for this feature update. It helps us a lot.

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    melanie zaffran

    Thank you, I had the issue last night again, were people got kicked off my project just by adding a vacation booking for them. I've changed the preference setting so hopefully this issue shouldn't happen anymore.


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