Client Review Site invitation email formatting

We're heard requests from clients that they'd like to be able to format the Client Review Site Invitation email, such as the ability to change the layout of where the organization's logo sits. If you would like to have more formatting options, please add your support and formatting example to this feature request.


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    Agnieszka Piechnik

    Yep, it is very helpful if you have a very dense communication with client :) Otherwise we risk them to get mad with hundreds of e-mails with the same title.


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    Johnny Duguid

    This is not something we're going to get into anytime soon, but I'm always game for learning more about desired use cases. For anyone interested in this feature, please drop some more details about what type of customization is needed.

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    Octevia Robertson

    Also with formatting the email, it would be helpful to customize the Subject line as well. Currently it says "[Company Name] has shared a playlist with you". That's not very descriptive and could be easily missed or hard to find later for clients, especially if one were to send more than one playlist a day. It would be nice if it matched the playlist name or something similar.

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    Charles Roberts

    In my experience, the most needed customization is being able to edit the Subject line of the invitation email it sends out. I know many clients that get upset/mad because it's hard to differentiate between deliveries sent to them.

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    René Calles

    For us, customising the subject line would improve the review process already a lot. As Charles already describes, people have a hard time to differentiate between deliveries.

    Is there still no timeline for this?

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    Fredrik Arntzen

    The subject line is a major problem for us. We´re having issues with clients using gmail and as you know gmail puts emails with the same subject line into threads. I´ve had clients that only looked at the latest email, and marked the whole thread as read. I´ve also had clients which we´ve done several projects with continually and they miss out of important versions because they only check the latest mail. Adding project name to the subject line would easily solve this confusion.

    Being able to edit the subject line like all the other notification email settings would be great. Then we finally could send client emails in our own language as well.

    Please let us know if you are considering looking into some of these request.



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    Christian Michels

    Hi the customising of the invation e-mails would be great for us to.

    But if possible, an option to disable the build in E-Mail ".... has shared a playlist with you.....", like its already possible with the Option "EMail notification when versions are added", would be nice  for us.

    Then we could monitor the Event "CRS_PlaylistShare_Create" with the shotgun Event Daemon and send out the E-Mail from our own Server.  With this way, we can set the Sender and Replay To Address in the E-Mail to one of our own E-Mails and not the "no-replay" Address.






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