Auto-play option for Client Review site

Would be good to be able to set a shared Client Review Playlist to auto-play through all Versions as a cut, like Screening Room does. Some studios will want their clients to review cuts this way, then go back and comment / annotate on each individual Version. Another option might be the ability to multi-select Versions in Client Review and 'Play Selected,' again like Screening Room.

Click 'Me Too!' to vote up this feature, and add any additional thoughts or use cases in the comments.


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    Juanmaria Garcia

    Good to know you are hands on it. Any release date tips?

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    Yes please!

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    Lorenzo Basurto

    Totally agree with this one.  It has been a feature we are missing a lot.  We had to give up using entirely the Client Review because of the lack of this feature.

    A big plus-one !

    A date would be good to know as well.

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    Gary Chadwick

    This would be very helpful! Right now, there's no way to show a sequence to a client. We could edit a single video together as a version, which would be completely outside our pipeline. So instead they have to manually switch from version to version.

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    Daniel Harjanto

    Me too,

    It would be really helpful for client to see the cuts in context. Some of the director refuse to give notes without seeing the context of the shots.

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    Please autoplay! It will really improve review sessions. 

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    Adam Ghering

    Yes please auto play! is there any update to this?

    This really cripples the client review playlists.

    Not having this for us may make us migrate our whole review process to something else and thereby partially diminishing the usefulness of Shotgun altogether as it was in great part the review functionality that caused us to migrate. 

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    Marcel Tie


    Please integrate auto play. It's actually not possible to share shot versions via the client review site, if the clients have to click each shot after another.


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    Thiago Porto

    Yes please. I'm in the process to move out from Shotgun and yesterday this was one of the main reason for this. Just a simple autoplay please.

    Also not sequence (timeline) is allow. I spent hours yesterday and end-up knowing that is not possible on Review site.

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    Satish Goda

    +1 for this. Please let us know when it could be made available!

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    Yes please. It's pretty annoying that you have to toggle the full-screen on and off for the next clip.

    Please let us know the release date of this feature.

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    Halil Mehmet

    We've been exploring permissions on our site and realised that the Screening Room and Overlay player don't respect Note and Version Artist entity and field permissions so we've tried to make use of automated playlists via client review so we have restricted access but now the lack of sequential viewing is the issue... 

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    Yiqun Shao

    Hey, so, any update on this?

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    Ta Animator

    Please people requested this 2 years ago? Any update on this feature? 

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    Yes, please! The client review is really neat and simple, but lacking this feature ruins it.

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    Danielle Mahaffey

    We have also had to give up using the Client Review site because of this. Too many complaints from our clients. Big plus one to this ticket. 

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    This would be a great feature to have since we had to give up on using Client Review for the lack of ability to play versions in sequence like in Screening room. A more robust Screening room like Client Review site is much needed.


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    Frank Rueter

    +1 - it overlaps with Cut entities, so being able to publish a Cut to a client review site seems like the most logical way for this, but just the simple ability to play through the playlist as a sequence would be helpful as well.

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    Dennis --DJ-- Hauck


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    Tobias Pfeiffer

    Besides this I want to point to a "connected" feature request I created last week.
    It is about client access to Cut Entities via the Client Review Site.
    Have a look and upvote ;-)



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    Alexandra Lefève-Gourmelon


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    Shauna Lee


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