Reply to Notes in the Client Site so that Clients could see them

We've heard from some clients that it would be great to be able to reply to Notes in the Client Review Site so that Clients could see them.

If you would also find this useful, click 'Me Too!' to vote up this feature, and add any additional thoughts or use cases in the comments.


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    Shayna Duguid
    It would be awesome to improve the Shotgun User to Client User collaboration with the Client Review Site. In addition to being able to reply to notes, supporting this type of workflow would be a win:
    • Client Users who are attached to a Playlist get email notifications whenever a note is added to the playlist (unless they were the ones adding it). Any email would have a link back to the playlist to avoid searching through old emails. 
    • Human Users (with the right permissions) have the ability to add "Client Notes", so these can be added from within standard Shotgun.
    If replying to notes is not an option, this will support way to collaborate and have conversations with clients through multiple notes.
    Oh, and Click 'Me Too!' to vote up this feature, and add any additional thoughts or use cases in the comments.
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    Frank Rueter

    I can't add enough "me toos" here :)


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    Dení C. Gloria

    The situation we are encountering in our studio is that we are sharing a playlist with the client, but we'd like for them to see some anotations in certain frames that we'd like to include. Which we are unable to do at the moment. 

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    Frank Rueter

    Exactly! For me the client site needs to provide the means to have a proper dialog with the client using the annotation tool and comments. Constant back and forth, scribbles, confirmations, suggestions etc are all part of our every day workflow.

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    Frank Lenhard

    We need that feature a lot. Almost all client notes require a feedback or discussion to settle on a final note that is on be done. 

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    Nils Lerin

    Same here. It would be great to have a permission role setting that lets people of that group communicate with client, possibly different settings for seeing client notes and replying to them. If a user lacks the required permission and posts a note then a person with permissions should be able to make that note visible to client or make a client note visible to that user.

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    Michał Krupa

    Me too! x 100

    We really need this feature.


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    Hannes Reindl

    we encountered the problem that the client downloads the video or image do an overpaint and wanna send it back with an feedback, would be great if this is possible with the client review

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    Frank Lenhard

    same issue here. they wanna attach images, but they cant... 

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    Fredrik Nord

    This feature makes total sense. When clients write a comment that is actually a question, you definitely want to be able to respond directly in the same interface with an e-mail being sent to the client automatically. I just had an example of a producer writing a question to the director and it didn't show in the client review site beacuse the producer had two playlists open in the browser. The comment got assigned to the other playlist where the shot didn't exist so it was not for the director to be seen anywhere. Support helped me with a workaround where you delete the link to the playlist in the actual missplaced comment and add the link to the correct playlist.

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    Tom Bridges

    We'd like to add our our own notes / caveats when we post to Clients.

    The ideal workflow for us would be to review all our movies in the same way (so notes for artists and client in one hit), then be able to change the note's Type to 'Client' – and have it show up in the client review site, attached to the correct movie.

    Similarly, we'd love to be able to attach the Status field to each movie.




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    Russel Rehmund

    "Exactly! For me the client site needs to provide the means to have a proper dialog with the client using the annotation tool and comments. Constant back and forth, scribbles, confirmations, suggestions etc are all part of our every day workflow." - This sums up our current dilemma as well with the client review site.  There needs to be some functionality to keep client playlists separate, but better integrate or cross-over the necessary communication between the client site and the production site.

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    Armando Ricalde


    As everybody has stated, there's a lot of room for improving the Client Review Site to become the invaluable communication tool with clients and keep everything in Shotgun (where it has to be).
    Right now one of our clients doesn't see the benefit of sending feedback thru the site if I'm replying to him via email and there's no way to see the whole conversation there. So among all the cool and handy features that could be added, the ability to at least reply and notify the clients would be the first and most urgent. Don't ya think?

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    Anne Akande

    Defo need this. Just to be able to reply to clients and keeping the communication in one place as opposed to having an email discussion later and some information gets missed. So far clients love it but they have had to call or email me to actually confirm I have received the feedback. 

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    James Ricker

    We badly need this feature as well!

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    Frank Lenhard

    another request that came up recently is that the client is able to watch the versions in the client review page as a sequence. 

    basically ist the same like in screening room or even play a simple playlist in the media tab. it opens up all version in the selected order. 





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    Frank Rueter

    agreed. when showing stuff to directors it's quite important to be able to cut off handles as well, especially in conjunction with Fank's request

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    Rauan Shmanova

    This tool will be very very useful for my company =(

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    Yes, I want it!

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    Hristo Velev

    We need that too.

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    Johnny Duguid

    Hey all,

    Wooo - lots of comments and thoughts in this one. Cool! Here's a bit of an update for you all...

    Let's focus on the original request "Reply to Notes in the Client Site so that Clients could see them": Starting with Shotgun 6.3, we now support regular Shotgun accounts interacting with the Client Review Site (CRS). This means that Shotgun users can add new notes or reply to a comment in the CRS without needing a separate Client account. And, since everything is connected in Shotgun, this means that a Shotgun user can reply to a Client Note across Shotgun (e.g. - SG Inbox, Overlay Player Note Thread, etc.)

    Regarding the call for attachment support: Shotgun 6.3 brings that to the CRS, too! Clients and Shotgun users can now add attachments to new notes and replies. Woohoo!

    For the last request in here "playback a sequence of clips": we couldn't fit that into this release and don't have a timeline for allowing this, but you can add your support to this similar request over here.

    Marking this thread as done.


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    Frank Rueter

    Awesome. I assume this can be managed with permissions as well? I.e. artists should usually not be able to reply or see client notes directly whereas supervisors/producers should

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    Johnny Duguid

    Hey Frank - yep, note visibility and the ability to reply are both tied up into the existing Can see Client Notes permission. Turned off, the permission group will not see any Client Notes which means they can't reply either. Turned on, the permission group will see Client Notes and can reply.


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    Frank Rueter

    great, thanks!!

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