Time Log Timer

We've heard from some clients they'd like to see a timer/stopwatch style feature incorporated into the existing Time Logs. Users would be able to start/stop a timer within Shotgun which would feed into the creation of a Time Log.

Would this sort of feature be useful to you? If so click the "Me too!" button and leave any additional use cases/functionality you'd like to see in the comments.


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    Kristen Smith

    Being able to calculate values based on the timelogs for Budgets, etc would also be great!

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    Brittany Montero

    Our artists are currently asking for this. They find that using time log the way it is set up now requires a lot of steps.

    Would be great to have a simple version where time can be edited directly on field, no pop-up window required.

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    Van Osselaer Chris

    Regarding this topic: Could we link task statuses with the time log?

    For ex: when an artist set his task to in progress that the time log starts counting and stops when set on review internal...

    Could be of great help for us...

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