Preserve Annotations in Screening Room Timeline and Client Review Site

Right now the annotations created in Screening Room and the Client Review Site are static images after being submitted via a Note. We've heard from some of our clients how it would be useful to be able to load those annotations back onto the timeline so they can be seen in context of the source clip, rather than individual images attached to the Note.

If this sounds useful to you, click the "Me Too!" button, and let us know your thoughts and use cases in the comments.


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    Chris Bennett

    In cases where a note needs to have a context of start/end time where the note applies, it would be useful to have the annotation be applied to a range of frames/time on the source media itself.

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    Colin Lowry

    We're new to SG, and have experience with the client review/approval tool ProofHQ. Pause the video, annotate the video, leave a comment. Next user comes along, clicks on that comment, the video jumps to that frame, but the interface stays in that same window. This is what our clients are accustomed to. We've made the calculation that it's better to continue to use another approval solution like wipster rather engender frustration with those clients with how SG's approval workflow. We'd rather deal with the cross-referencing and enter the notes from the client into the notes in SG ourselves. The way SG's review/approval process is perfect for animation, but sub-optimal for design/editorial review. It would be divine to have the option to select the behavior to be like SG's is now or more like the other solutions mentioned here.

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    Frank Rueter

    I think the annotation system definitely needs some attention, it feels a bit like a proof of concept compared to the other options out there.


    The ability to render annotations live on top of the player (and have them mark up the timeline) like inRV would go a very long way to follow discussions about versions. Especially when the annotations are meant to provide timing hints.

    Also, a collaborative sketch session would be soon nice, like CineSync or SyncSketch (the latter being free):





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