Filtering omitted shots from the hierarchy navigation feature

Hi Support

Currently, there is no way of filtering omitted shots from the new hierarchy navigation feature. It would be great if you could display the list based on whatever status one chooses. Also, some custom sorting would be a bonus. My specific use case for custom sorting stems from non-padded shot names. For example:

  • mc010
  • mc10160
  • mc1130


Should be:

  • mc010
  • mc1130
  • mc10160


My current workaround solution is sorting "Shot" by a custom field I created which pads the numbers (mc00010, mc01130, mc10160). It would be great to have this feature in the hierarchy navigation.




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    Paul Alexiou

    I agree with Tony. It seems like a fairly straightforward change for one of your next releases. And while on the subject, can you please add some spacing to the right of the shots so it's not hard up against the scroll bar (see attachment). Currently, it gives the user the illusion the shot names are being chopped off.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi All,

    It looks like Tony and Paul are in agreement on the Navigation Widget honoring the Omitted Statuses - we are looking at getting this into a sprint soon and want to make sure that no one has any issues with the way it would work.

    This would be incorporated into Site Preferences > Advanced > Autocomplete Omit Statuses, so that the Navigation Widget honors the same specifications as Statuses.

    I'll add this to the devlist and see if anyone has concerns.  Thanks and standby.


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    Paul Alexiou

    Great, thanks Matt! It's definitely going to make life easier.


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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Folks,

    A new Site Preference has been added in Shotgun to add this functionality (hide certain records from the navigation widget). It functions the same as the "Autocomplete Omit Statuses" feature, let us know how it works for you!

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    Paul Alexiou

    Thank you Brandon! This is going to really help!


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