Multi-Select Field Type

We've heard feedback from clients that they'd like to be able to create a Field where the Type allows you to multi-select numerous options from a dropdown. This could be used when multiple conditions need to be met before the next step can take place, eg. when an Asset needs to be approved by multiple people before it can be marked as final. At the moment, you would need to set a separate checkbox field for each of the options or have a separate status to show the combination of the different approvals. 

Please click 'me too' to add your support to this request. 


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    Dennis SH Lai

    I am developing a standalone desktop app for uploading VES Camera Report data to Shotgun. I am also using an iOS app called Setellite that also do the same thing. In VES Camera Report there are data type that were Multi Selectable / Checkable.


    Currently in both native VES Camera Report format (which is CSV) and Shotgun there is no data structure to store Multi-Select data.

    Many computer language or data format (e.g., JSON or YAML) we can use List to store such data. In CSV and Shotgun I currently designate a custom delimiter (such as ';', or ':') inside a string field to denote a list (for example "HDRI;Tilted Set;Survey Data;Laser Scan").

    This works fine in any computer language since it is easy to parse, but for the users who use Web UI it looks ugly.

    If Shotgun can have a native field or widget for this kind of data it will be great. I think it should be possible to develop a widget that will do CRUD on such data.

    BTW, Currently Shotgun's List field will only allow a single selection to be selected.


  • 0
    Dennis SH Lai

    I am developing a standalone desktop app for uploading VES Camera Report data to Shotgun. I am also using an iOS app called Setellite that also do the same thing. In VES Camera Report there are data type that were Multi Selectable / Checkable.


    Currently in both native VES Camera Report format (which is CSV) and Shotgun there is no data structure to store Multi-Select data.

    Many computer language or data format (e.g., JSON or YAML) we can use List to store such data. In CSV and Shotgun I currently designate a custom delimiter (such as ';', or ':') inside a string field to denote a list (for example "HDRI;Tilted Set;Survey Data;Laser Scan").

    This works fine in any computer language since it is easy to parse, but for the users who use Web UI it looks ugly.

    If Shotgun can have a native field or widget for this kind of data it will be great. I think it should be possible to develop a widget that will do CRUD on such data.

    BTW, Currently Shotgun's List field will only allow a single selection to be selected.


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    Dave Lajoie
    +1 on multi-select list field!
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    Dennis SH Lai

    Since we have limited amount of CustomEntity per shotgun site I prefer not to use them unless necessary, or if I can safely delete them later (which is something I rather not do, either)

    So again +1 multi-select-list field!

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    Anna Fields

    +1 on multi-select list field!

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    Philip Hansen

    +1 on multi-select list field!!

    using up the precious custom-entities for rather simple lists is indeed overkill and does not scale very well - so yes please! :)

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    Jordi Riera - Rodeo FX

    +1 on multi-select list field!

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    Juanmaria Garcia

    +1 on multiselect list field

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    Patrick Macdonald

    +1 on multi-select list field!

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