Shotgun Review for Android

Many of our clients have been enjoying review on the go with the Shotgun Review app for the iPhone. We've heard from a number of clients they'd also like to see the app make the transition to the Android OS. If you'd like to see this implemented, click the "Me Too!" button to vote, and let us know what sort of device(s) you'd like to see supported in the comments.


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    Brandon Foster Official comment

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your continued interest in Shotgun Review for Android, and I do apologize there's been no reply to this request for so long. Being an Android user myself, I'd personally love to see Shotgun Review come to the platform. Currently our development efforts are focused on improving the web experience since that is how a majority of our users interact with Shotgun. In the future we do want to turn our attention back towards expanding what we offer on mobile but at this time we only have plans to continue offering our iOS app.

    Thank you again for your comments (and passion!) on the subject. The team is listening, and we'll continue to monitor interest on the topic.

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    Hristo Velev

    We at Bottleship are all Android people and we are all for this. I'm really missing mobile review when I travel, especially with no mobile site and no video playing on our shotgun site from Android.
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    Kalpesh Revawala

    It should be considered

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    Guo Yu


    My colloeagues and I are also using smart phones in Android system. Shotgun review for Android  system is very helpful for our work.


    Thank you very much!

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    Adam Benson

    Me Too!  About 75% of our entire team is on Android.  Time to catch up to the future, Shotgun!

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    Maarten Verlinden

    So unfortunate to hear there is no android app. Let's me consider 'ftrack' after all.

    Agree with Adam: "Time to catch up to the future, Shotgun!"


    Thank you !

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    Dan Rosen

    Please add the Android app AND an iPad app. It's nearly impossible to draw on the iPhone app, but would be amazing to draw on an iPad. PLEEEEAAAASE!

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    Hristo Velev

    I switched to iOS meanwhile, one of the reasons being shotgun. The app is viewing and annotating great, but you can't change version status and you can't filter, it's very limited.

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    Donald Newlands

    Most of our artists and many of our clients use Android. It's really discouraging that Shotgun can ignore such a huge platform.

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