Restrict Shotgun Review iOS App Access per Permission Group

We've heard from some clients they'd like to have controls over which users are allowed to connect to their Shotgun site through the iOS Shotgun Review app. One suggested method of restricting access would be through a setting on the Permission groups. Something akin to "Allow access through Shotgun iOS Shotgun Review" which can be toggled on/off.

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    Hugh Macdonald

    It was me who placed the original request on this one...


    I do love the iPhone app, and it's incredibly useful for supervisors to be able to review and annotate shots while out of the office.

    Our concern, though, is giving everyone access to this feature, as it suddenly becomes far easier for people to show friends what is being done internally while at the pub, or generally out and about. My initial query was whether I could turn it on/off based on permission group (or even per user), and subsequently, when told that this was not an option, whether I could turn off the Shotgun Review iOS App access across the whole site (as we would prefer to not use it at all if we can't have access control)


    Another potential issue cropped up while we were testing out whether we could control this, which is that a Permission Group might have "Can Use Overlay Player" turned off, so that permission group cannot play QTs through the web interface, but they are still able to play them through the iOS app.


    I'd be very interested to hear what other people think of this - we're currently investigating other ways of restricting access, including getting the office IP address whitelisted and forcing users to either only access it from inside the office or over VPN. This would mean opening the VPN up to users who we wouldn't otherwise want to have access, though...





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    Johnny Duguid

    Hey Hugh,

    We're going to look into supporting this in the next sprint. Will update with more info next week.


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    Johnny Duguid

    An update - we weren't able to fit it in for the next sprint, but are exploring support soon. Updates when I have them.

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    Johnny Duguid

    This functionality should make it's appearance in the next SG Review release which we're targeting for early January.

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    Johnny Duguid

    Hey all,

    This functionality will be rolled out next week with the release of Shotgun Review v1.2.2 and Shotgun 5.4.2.



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