Add concept of 'Roles' to Shotgun and integrate into per-project permissions, media access, scheduling, etc.

Migrating a request from a ticket to the forums to gather feedback from other people. Paraphrasing from the request:


Projects could really do with a more robust system for Roles or Departments. Things like Directors, Animators, Lighters, Modelers, etc. [...] A User could be connected to multiple Departments or Role entities as a user could fulfil multiple roles on a given project.

Then various things could be available based on Roles. So only certain departments could access certain media.  When it's time to share with a larger group of users, departments could be added or removed. They could also help with our scheduling efforts in Shotgun. We typically book roles which have a start/end date then attach the user to the Role rather than attaching the start/end times on the user themselves. [...] It could be nice to have the ability to have a Leads department or role that could allow them greater control over the project.


What other applications are there for a 'Roles' entity that is specific to a user in the context of a particular Project? And what other use cases do you have for any of the suggestions above?

Click 'Me Too!' to vote up this feature, and add any additional thoughts or use cases in the comments.


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    Heather Dinkins

    this would be so incredibly helpful!!!  we had a long chat with Ben & Tommy just yesterday regarding this type of functionality.  please, pretty please?

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    Jeff Beeland

    Also useful would be using project roles to define project specific admin users.  There are situations where specific users should be permitted a higher level of permissions for modifying their assigned project, but not others.  It would also allow for admin capabilities on "studio" projects that are either setup as a sandbox, or for R&D purposes, but still keep production projects under tight control.

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    Frank Rueter

    per-project roles would be great and very helpful in the increasingly decentralised VFX workflow where small teams band together. Today's manager/supervisor on project A might be tomorrow's artist on project B and a client the day after on project C

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    This is becoming increasingly relevant for us.

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