Select sort options for open notes fields

Currently the default open notes fields display notes alphabetically. We've heard from a few clients they would like to choose how to sort these fields e.g. by date created.

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    Right now, I think we're going to have to write an event plugin that renames the notes with the information that we want to have the notes ordered by. So, since we also want to have our notes sorted by date created, we'll have to update the name of the notes so that the creation date is listed uniformly and prepends the name of the note. If there's an easier way, I'd love to know it.

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    Jacob Medendorp

    We have a team in the UK which is just putting the date in for the Subject, however, since they use the UK dating system of day/mo, the sort gets all out of order. For instance, three notes with subject 01/08, 27/07, 24/07 (Aug 1st, July 27, July 24) sorts as 01/08, 24/07, 27/07. They are requesting to have the most recent note at the top of the list in the field. We would like to be able to sort that field by Date Created, Descending, instead of Subject.

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    Alexandra Lefève-Gourmelon

    It would be great to have the same kind of feature for Playlists (as in Playlists connected to a Version) too.

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    Frederic Dirickx

    Yes I would like it too, it would be very useful to be able to see the notes in the "Open Notes" Column sorted by date.


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