More types of charts and graphs

Some people would like to see additional ways to visualize data in Shotgun in a simple, graphical way. Some useful options would be:

  • Pie charts
  • Burn-down charts
  • Line graphs
  • Bar graphs (expanding on what is currently supported, with things like multiple bars, integrated lines or 3D views)
  • Heat maps

What other types of charts or graphs would you like to see supported in Shotgun? Click 'Me Too!' to vote up this feature, and add any additional thoughts or use cases in the comments.

Note: Some of this can be accomplished now by integrating Shotgun with a third-party app like Fusion Charts or ReportLab. Email support@shotgunsoftware.com if you'd like some help or guidance with this.


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    Would also be nice to have the created vs resolved chart.

    Always good to know when the team is closing more task than the one that we created on a daily basis.

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    Frank Rueter
    Yes please! !
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    Frank Rueter

    obviously some of this is available via the canvas page. but it it quite limited and it'd be nice to add your own custom canavas pages to the project navigation etc as well to make them more equal to the default entity pages. I'm sure if that were the case people would intuitively design much better Shotgun pages

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    MacDonald, Christopher

    At the moment, I report info from Shotgun to a lot of folks who don't necessarily need to see the nuts and bolts behind the scenes.  Rather, they just want a burndown showing the expected velocity and a few key metrics on milestone assets.  Anything that could be added to Shotgun to aid in visualizing some of this data would be a great help.  My other request tied to this would be to have report pages that work like the client review site, where someone can have limited privileges to view a custom report of data.

    Taking a look at some apps that handle visualizing numbers and one that stands out is Numerics by Cynapse.  Even better would be built in hooks to the Google charts API.

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    Daniel Harjanto

    Yes, it would be really nice to have other graph widget, instead of bar chart only.

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