Summary email for Client Review Site

At the moment, Client Notes created via the Client Review Site are sent out separately. We've received feedback that it would be useful to create a summary email so that you don't receive lots of emails per Playlist.

Please click 'me too' to add your support to this feature request.


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    Kasia Rymar

    Me too... can't find button.

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    Steven Tavernia

    That would be awesome.  I just received about 40 emails because a client is going through and doing reviews.  This happens multiple times per day.

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    Donald Newlands

    This is a big deal: Hightail also "spams"  the team with notifications about review notes and it's a real problem because people start to tune out the notifications and miss things.

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    Beth Dewhirst

    "Me Too" is now the little up arrow to the left of the Feature Request Title - that will add you vote to this issue.

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