Way to see people's faces when assigning and reviewing lists of Tasks

The thumbnails that represent people in various views in Shotgun bring a great human element to cloud collaboration. Currently faces are prominently displayed in Note threads, Project Overview pages, and Activity streams on Detail pages, but one place where they are lacking is Task pages. It would be nice to be able to see the user thumbnails for people as you are assigning them to Tasks, or to be able to scan a set of Tasks and view at a glance the people assigned based on their face / picture / avatar. The fact that the "Assigned To" field on Tasks allows multiple entries means you can't use the usual Link > Person > Thumbnail approach to pulling in a linked thumbnail field on a page like this, so a new feature would need to be implemented here, whether that is an extension to the current Task page format or a whole new interface for assigning Tasks to artists.

Click 'Me Too!' to vote up this feature, and add any additional thoughts or use cases in the comments.

1 comment

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    Peter Vickery

    This would be such a great feature IMHO! As a comp supervisor, one of my biggest challenges is to help artists step outside of their focused task and see how their work fits into the bigger picture. Seeing the smiling faces of all the other artists working on the same shot would be a constant reminder that there is a TEAM behind them.

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