Client Review Site Password Set Up

Currently when you first send out the review site link to clients they set up their own passwords.

When they then forget their passwords they send a 'password reset' email and we then have to go into the client users page and create a new password for them.

I think if the vendor just created the password for the project from the outset then when the client forgot their passwords we could just remind them of the what the password is rather than having to think up a new password when each individual forgets their unique password.



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    Joël Gibbs

    I get emails from clients all the time asking me what their password is. Though I like the way it is conceptually, it's not quite intuitive enough on a practical level...especially from a clients perpective. Maybe there needs to be more in the html email sent out that would guide them through it? or something...

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    Anne Akande

    I usually set up a password for the clients (in Client Users) when I send the very first playlist. I also inform them that this will be the password for the project. If it's a client with multiple projects, then I tell them this will be the password they will need to access any playlist across all their projects on Shotgun. Makes things soooo much easier!

    hope this helps!


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    Johnny Duguid

    With Shotgun 6.3, you can now share a playlist without requiring your Clients to enter a password. This was highly requested by many of our commercial-focused clients who value speed and ease of use over security.

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    How do i globally turn off the need for a client password? 

    I want to unclick this box.  

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi JaromSid,

    Thanks for your question! You can disable this requirement for all shared Playlists via the Site Preferences page > Client Review Site section > "Require Password Authentication for all shared Playlists" setting (see image below).

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