Change or add additional Fields to Quick Filter keywords

We've heard from some clients that they'd like to be able to add/change and then save the Quick Search keywords that are used on a page 

Currently, there are a set of default keyword fields per entity, like the record name, and any added text fields. However to search the fields outside the default keywords, one must first click the arrow next to the text box, scroll through the list, find the field, then perform your search. Being able to add in additional fields to the keywords and save them as default would help speed up some searches. 

Some of the common fields that we've heard would be helpful to add in:

- Assigned To
- Link

- Artist

All Entities:
- Tags

Please add in your +1 vote, if this is a feature you'd like to see developed. 


  • 0
    Etienne Pecheux

    Since the collection of fields on an entity is customizable, filtering on this collection should also be customizable, that's true.

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    Andranik Taranyan

    This is something that we would love to see as well. We are searching a lot by tags and always having to check tags in the quicksearch drop down is kind of annoying. It would be great to be able to add it to the search options and then save the page and be able to search tags next time you open the page.

  • 0

    Having search options as part of the same Save Filter settings that can be saved with the page would be great. 

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    DJ Hauck

    This is especially tough with custom entities because the default fields almost never match what you need.

  • 2
    Kym Watts

    Being able to set this per entity would be great.

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    Lisa Smith

    This would be a huge help for my team to track down reuse content using tag searches without having to adjust the search criteria each time. Fingers crossed!

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    Janis Robertson

    This would be a huge help. What is the implementation plan for this? 


  • 0
    Yurii Hydrick

    Yes, please. This would be very helpful.

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    Andranik Taranyan

    This will be very helpful, I notice that on some of our custom pages where we have custom entities, those entities also are checked at the top. It would be good to manage this on our end so that we can search tags.

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    Beth Dewhirst

    This would be great - @Mason, is this something Shotgun Support could add for us while we are waiting for the capability to update it ourselves?

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    Jackie White

    We're having a lot of difficulty finding things in shotgun since we can only really search by asset names and I think this would be very helpful for our users. A real time saver so people don't have to rely on a shotgun super user to dig up materials for them.

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    Jonathan Chavez

    +1 for this.

    The default search functionality hasn't given my team any issues in List Views (where we expose many fields), but Thumbnail view searches are challenging (where we expose a minimal number of fields).  The available workarounds of switching to List View and/or using the dropdown to change the search keywords is increasing the barrier to entry for many users.

    As a general note, my user expectation is for the entity search function to produce results based on hits from all of its entity fields, and I do not expect these searches to be particularly quick. In practice, my searches are currently quick, but do not produce the results I expect and require workarounds.

  • 1
    Nathalie Cyr

    Absolutely, it will be great!

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    Chris Bennett

    +1 Yes Please!

  • 1
    Janis Robertson

    Is there a plan for implementing this three-year-old request? 

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    Kazutomo Kudo

    Me too, I mean it's more like me 15! Any plan to implement this at all?

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