I'm wondering if there's some kind of global reference repository for all available parameters for each entity type. I'm trying to add a Task to a project, specifying the "Project," "Assigned To," "Task" (name), and "Status" fields (at a bare minimum).
The current syntax I'm trying to use is below (basically just spraying and praying with field names here), but I keep running into errors when trying to fill various columns (since apparently the column names don't actually correspond to the values one would call through the API), so I'm wondering if there's a way to find all the available fields to customize a Task object (or any other kind of Shotgun object).
renderJobData = {
'project': {'type':'Project',
'task':'Sample Render Task v01',
result = sg.create('Task', renderJobData)
Can someone at least fill me in on how to assign these fields?
Thanks in advance,