Trouble installing Shotgun Event Framework

Hi guys,

I have a trouble starting the service. 

I was following installing instruction from 


I was successfully install the service by the command python C:\shotgunEvents\src\shotgunEventDaemon.py install

When I start the service. I've got no error.

But when I tried to stop, the error was

"Error stopping service: The service has not been started. (1062)"


I seems the service has never been started. So I tried to run the service from window interface through services.msc.

This is the error I've got

"Windows could not start the Shotgun Event Handler on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 1."

I don't know what I'm missing here.

Any help would be very appreciated. :) :)


My system configuration

windows 8




1 comment

  • 0
    Chanon Vilaiyuk

    I found a solution. 

    I was set up all files in the server while the service is run on a local computer. In this case, all files need to be on a local computer not on the server. 

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