Additional types in the Status field?

Can the Status field types be modified by an Admin? For example, we have been asked about how we might add 'Awaiting Review' to an asset task.


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    Don Parker

    Hi Peter,

    You can update what statuses show up in the list from a set of pre-defined statuses.  To do this, right click on the status column header on a page in list mode.  Then choose "configure field", which brings up a dialog with the list of statues and optins to toggle them on/off.  We have one called "Pending Reivew", which sounds like it will work for your needs. You can read more about how to edit fields here.

    Or we can add custom statues for you as part of support (a UI is coming for that in one of the next releases).  Just send us the name, short name, any icon, and any bg color and we'll set it up for you.

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    Peter Devlin

    That's ideal Don, thanks. No need for customising just yet.

    Leading question: is it possible to set these as per-project defaults in a template project?


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    Don Parker

    Right now, the fields have global settings for all Projects.  You can use the tempalte proejct to set up specific layouts, but not to modify or turn on/off the fields.  However, that is on our list and has been rising in priority over the last few weeks.  We'd just have to figure out what to do when you make a page with asset tasks from more then one project.

    You *could* make separate fields that are project specific to cover edge cases, though I know that's not ideal.  But once we have field on/off toggles per project, you can hide that extra project field from all other projects.

    What use case are you thinking about?  Projects with completeliy different workflows and sets of statuses?  Is it important to you to see data from multiple projects on the same page?

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    Peter Devlin

    I'm thinking of different project types to reflect workflows. We have three different types (games animation, 3D, live-action mix) with attendant complexities in terms of review processes. One template per type with each template customised would seem most appropriate.

    The multiple projects question is something I'd like to get into later but, in summary - Shotgun (and most tools of the same ancestry) don't seem to readily support a studio-wide cross-project view i.e. how do you give a manager a look at the resource usage across five simultaneous live projects?

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    Don Parker

    Hi Peter, our next release includes a "Global" section in the left nav for multi-project pages.  This was specifically built for studios wanting to put task views together for all projects.  This will be released w/in 2 weeks.  The My Pages also support data from multiple projects.  So it's something we are actively working to support.

    Would it make sense to have different status fields that are used by the diffeernt project type templates?  Likely not ideal, but you could have fields for "Games Status", "3D Status", etc.  Then hide the ones that are not appropriate?

    We have a ticket in our roadmap to look into adding filtering to our fields based on context, so a Status field can show a filtered list of values based on project (or other values).

    FYI, you can right click on a project in the left nav to duplicate it, which uses that project as a template (no data is duplicated).  This allows you to use more then the default project template, so you can build one for each type of project you do there.  A future update to the project creation process  will be a wizard like UI that lets you choose from a template or an existing project each time you set up a project.

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    Hi Don.  Weird that I had the same question today.  We actually need a field called Final pending review in cut.  In VFX we review the shots in a loop with the client but they are hesitant to final until they see it in the context of the cut.  Hence, the category "Final pending review in cut."  Maybe it could be shortened to something like FPC like CBB and the icon could be a film frame to represent the cut?  In any case, I just came from a review with half a dozen shots that fit this category so would love to see it incorporated.



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    Don Parker

    Hello everyone, this feature is being worked on for our next release (2.1) which will be released in early August.  In the meantime, we can help you out via support.  Shoot an email to support@shotgunsoftware.com with the details of what you are looking for (status name, short code, icon) and we'll hook you up.

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