Some more detail about time logs?

just a request for some more detail on time logs and how these are supposed to work within shotgun

ie are they limited to being summarised per individual task currently?

that was all I could work out how to do anyway :)


I would like to be able to see a summary of all time logged at parent asset level (eg per asset or per shot) or project level, or per person on the project or even by some other method of grouping these (eg per groups of user sorted by role type, or asset library, etc)

if this is a feature request than let me know and I'll add it there :)





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    Stu Aitken

    ok, after digging a little deeper into how to format summaries it seems that I can get a summed total of all time logged to appear for all filtered entities on the page which gets me some of the way there :)

    it would be great if I could get a summery per group using the grouping feature - that would pretty much get me what I wanted from the task view at least since I can easily group by person assigned or asset, etc

    adding logged time as an available column would also be great in other views (ie people, shots, sequences, assets) if it was being internally summarised and passed to parent linked entities as well


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    Stu Aitken

    ok - I am an idiot - it DOES summarise per group - doh!

    ok lets leave this as a request for summarised logged time to be available from parent entity and people centric views then :)

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    Stu Aitken

    actually I guess even the latter is easy enough to do via the task tabs on the detail pages...or on a filtered list of tasks

    sorry - going faster than I am reading the docs here :)

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    You can read detailed information about Time Logs now in our docs: Using Time Logs  and Administrator's Guide to Time Logs.

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