Tasks and their relationship to Assets and Shots

Ok.  I'm trying to wrap my head around how all these things relate to each other in the database.

Let's say I have a project.

And I have a shot called "Shot 01"
And I have a shot called "Shot 02"

Both of these shots share an asset called "Mount Doom"

Now I assign Mount Doom to the two shots in the shots tab "Shot 01, Shot 02"

So far so good.

Now I want to create tasks.

I go to the tasks bit and create a new one.  Let's say it's "Model Mount Doom".  I set the task category to modeling.  I link it to the asset "Mount Doom" and hit create.

Now the status in my Mount Doom asset is all updated. 

But shouldn't the modeling task show up in my tasks for Shot 01 and Shot 02?   I feel like if I'm in Shot01's tasks list I should see all the tasks related to that shot to complete it.   Or have others think that that creates confusion in having the same task listed in multiple places. 

Is it possible to add asset status columns to the shot list like you can add task status columns?  So if I go to the shot list I can add the "Modeling status" field?  If modeling isn't complete then I want to know that in addition to shot specific actions such as match moving.   If I see the "modeling" and "surfacing" asset fields are still "in progress" then I can see why the lighting and compositing isn't yet complete.

Similarly we often have multiple shots that share the exact same 3D Scene.   If I create an asset called "HTC Phone Environment" and give it task statuses of "Modeling, Lighting and Animating" I would want those three statuses show up in all the shots which uses that scene.  Then I can track which have been rendered, which have been composited and which have been approved by the client all from the shot level.

Which leads back to the topic title.  Is this the correct philosophy or do I need to approach this differently to accomplish the same thing?

Thanks, Gavin

P.S.  How do you get your company name below your name?  Do you have to be extra special to get that or am I just missing the field in my profile page somewhere?


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    Tasks are created and linked to the entity they are directly related to. And when you're looking at a Shot or Asset detail page, we've found that most users want to see the directly linked Tasks by default. That is... all of the Asset pipeline Tasks on an Asset (design, modeling, rigging, etc.), and Shot-centric pipeline Tasks on the Shot (layout, animation, lighting, compositing, etc.). 

    You can however modify the default filter on the Tasks tab on the Shot detail page to match ANY of the following:

    - all Tasks where the [Link] [is] [Current Shot]
    - all Tasks where the [Link > Asset > Shots] [includes] [Current Shot]

    So now you're showing all of the Tasks linked to the Shot and all of the Tasks linked to Assets that are linked to the Shot. Cool!

    As of v1.11, you can now display similar information on a regular Shot page in list view using Pipeline Steps. First you can use the "Pipeline" button in the toolbar to toggle the Pipeline Steps you want to display. Then you can pull linked fields from the Pipeline Steps on Asset. So to display the status of the Rigging Pipeline Step on a Shots page, you'd pull in the field "Linked Pipelines > Assets > Rigging > Status".

    You can read a lot more about Pipeline Steps in our docs https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/83863-task-pipelines-and-steps and 1.11 screencast https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/90686-1-11-release-notes-and-patch-log-production-current

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    Yep Pipelines solved 90% of my requests.   The only one that is still only partially complete is the linked pipelines which seem to only be able to provide summaries.  Maybe it would be too server intensive or return too much information but seeing asset tasks listed out like shots tasks I think would be useful. 

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    Don Parker

    Hi Gavin, we talked about having linked pipelines act like the normal pipelines (access to details and/or summaries), but we punted on that because we weren't sure folks would find that useful.  It's good to hear that you'd dig that though.  It's totally possible with a bit more work.  I'll revive that ticket on our end.

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