How to create a pair of custom entities like a shot and assets.

Is it possible to create two custom entities which are like shots and assets and similarly link them?

Is it possible to create 1:1 and 1:Many links arbitrarily?    If you create a field it seems like you can create a 'link' but then it doesn't show up as an option for 'linked fields' when adding new fields.


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    You can link CustomEntities together by adding a new "entity" field and restricting it to the second CustomEntity type. This will give you a 1:Many relationship as you wish. Hmm... Lets use an example.

    You have 2 entities, Parent and Child. You can create an entity field on Parent that is restricted to entities of type Child. You can link as many Children to that Parent as you wish. Then on a detail page for Parent, if you add a new Child tab that queries for all Children that link to the current Parent. Does that make sense?

    Where we are limited however is that you can't create arbitrary many-to-many relationships yet. We're working towards this but aren't quite there yet. Assets and Shots actually have this type of relationship since an Asset can be part of many Shots and Shots have many Assets.

    What entities are you trying to create and hook up? Curious if we might be able to help you solve the challenge or if it's something we should be aware of as we're pushing forward.


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    Gavin Greenwalt

    One of our ongoing projects is retail visualization which doesn't really fit into any of our other workflows so we handle it completely different from everything else. Pushing it off into its own little corner.

    With these we have:

    Directives (Scenes)
    Shops (Shots)
    Assets (Assets)

    You will have fixtures, store environments and animated camera rigs all setup as assets.

    Then Many:Many relationships from there.   So two shops might use the same environment asset but different fixture and camera setups. etc etc.

    Tthe current hierachy works fine (although it would be great to have aggregated, aggregated asset statuses at the shot level.) and we're currently using it with different page names but it would be nice to not have shot status types getting all mixed up with shop status types since the two will never co-exist within a single project.

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    Joe Frayne

    I was just about to put in a request for adding custom "multi_entity" fields. We are playing around with creating an "issue tracker" project, and we thought it might be useful to have a field on the Tool entity that took a list of project entities, for cases where the tool was specific to one or more projects. I couldn't figure any way to do that, though I know lots of entities have those kinds of fields.


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    Stu Aitken

    this one is starting to be important here too

    trying to create a new delivery entity for tracking ckient asset deliveries - we need to assign multiple assets to each delivery but as far as I can see we can only assign one single asset entity to each delivery if I add an entity field to the custom entity we are using for deliveries

    I guess this is an example of needing many to many relationships as assets can be linked to multiple deliveries and deliveries need to link to mutliple assets

    any news on when this sort of funcionality might be available?

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    Yeah creating a deliverable entity just became a need this afternoon as well.    

    That would be a good default entity type.  It would be great if there were task summaries in it as well. 

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    Stu Aitken

    agree that having a default delivery entity would be a good interim solution :)

    it would need to be able to have many to many relationships with other entites (principally assets from our POV but maybe other types as well) in a similar manner to the current links between shots and assets

    was trying to see if we could overload or reconfigure the publish event entity to so the same thing but I have no idea, even after playing with it for a bit, what the link fields it already has are supposed to actually link to, or how its supposed to function...


    be good to get even a rough idea  from shotgun peops on when the fabled 'full citizenship' for custom entities and new fields might get implemented :D

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    Our current approach is to attempt to reapply Launches.   They seem relatively close since they have multi_entity sequence and shot fields.   If Launches had Asset multi fields we would be pretty satisfied with them.   Even the little flag seems like a good icon for deliverable.   : )

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    Mike Romey

    Along with having a man to many solution it would be nice to have a way to deploy a Unlin and Link option to this functionality like Playlists and People on Dashbaords.  I have one other request as well.  I tried doing this a while back for a software audit tool.  And also hit an obstacle under the context of trying to get something working where I needed multiple multiple-multiple fileds.  I needed a filed that was a list of all the software that was loaded on a machine and all the software tha was not loaded on a machine.  Our It department wanted to know what they needed to fix and our HR department wanted to know what seats had what software.  So to summarize:


    -  Need the ability to make Multiple Multipe-Multiple fields per entity.

    -  Ned the ability to Link and Unlink per Multipe-Multiple field

    -  Make sure the Link and Unlink options are as far away from any and all options that are damaging such as Delete.  Can't tell you how many times producers deleted users with the delete option so close to unlink option.  I know this has been solved in recent version.  Just a reminder when deployed.



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    We added the ability to create multi-entity fields in the UI in v1.11 which allows you to define many-to-many relationships on the fly. These fields support linking and unlinking on a detail page tab. More info here https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/25431726-All-About-Fields#link

    We also introduced a new (rewritten) Delivery entity which tracks your i/o process. https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/77656-deliveries-for-tracking-i-o

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