Recreating TimeLog Submenu as in tutorial video

Hi everyone... very excited to be delving into this software... head still spinning with all the options, but making progress.

We're trying to emulate the TimeLog functionalities as in the video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0wPZMXKjPk&feature=related) and are stuck on the following:

1) We've added a TimeLogged column to our tasks overview section (via Template Project - very cool)
The formatting of the window that opens is not nearly as intuitive or informative as the one in the video. I've looked around (sitePrefs, etc.) but haven't found a way to customize this panel... is this panel design not yet released? Have these been individually scripted? I suspect I'm not up to snuff with customizations yet - may well be missing something obvious.
To clarify, I'm interested in the panel shown at 0:42 in the video above, with quickInput and a list of previous Logs.

2) we've not been able to get a TimeLogs submenu within a project (as an entity? - is that the correct term). I can easily add one to MyPages, and then fill out the table with columns, but we haven't been able to create a project specific submenu. Again, I find the video usage (at 2:00) wonderfully laid out.

shotgun is making a wonderful impression, btw... I particularly like the context-sensitive task auto-fill and the flexibility of the interface... even if it is a bit daunting at first. Thanks!


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    Stu Aitken

    there should be a timelog page for a project by default...if you mean adding one to the project dashboard then (or as a subtab of another page):

    • rightclick on the tabs header on the dashboard page
    • select add new tab
    • select timelogs as the entity type in the dialogue that shows up

    you may need to reformat the tab that gets created (ie so it shows useful values - by default only the timelog ID's show up I think which isn't very useful) - you can do that by clicking thew add column widget as usual

    to save this for ALL users (ie not as a mypage) just click on the page icon at top right and choose save page (you need to have admin privelages to do that i think) which should save this as the default view

    timelogged is also available as a field for any view that shows tasks (again its probably not shown by default and you have to add the field)

    to have this show up in any new project you create you should modify the template project the same way..


    I do agree with your first point though - I don't get the nicely formatted log summary + new log entry form if I click on a logged time field either...


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    david maas

    Thanks for you response, Stu... I'm still trying to feel out what is user noobness and what is perhaps an interface issue.

    Adding a tab to the dashboard is no problem, nor adding a column to the tasks tab, for example. I'm unable to get this panel to appear in the projects list index on the left hand overview panel.
    The functionality is there in two clicks instead of one, no big problem - I'm just trying to get the (wonderful) functionality from the video and to understand / gain control over the interface in the process.

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    The UI in the video was a first pass at how the TimeLog entry was going to work. We decided later that this didn't feel consistent with how the rest of the entity creation in Shotgun worked and instead made the interface match everything else. So popping open the focus window to show TimeLogs for a particular Task, you'd click on the plus + button to open the new TimeLog overlay and enter in the information there just as you would with any other entity.

    In order to create a TimeLog page in your Project that is directly available in the leftnav:

    • click on the plus + button in the lower left of the screen to create a new page. 
    • select TimeLog as the entity type. this will create  new TimeLog page with the global default layout and place the page in your My Pages area of the left nav.
    • to move this page to a Project, click on the page icon in the upper right of the TimeLogs page and select "Edit Page Settings"
    • name the page "Time Logs" (or whatever you like), 
    • assign the type as a Project Page, 
    • select the Project you would like to save it in
    • click Save!

    Another option if you'd like to make a TimeLog page show up in all of your Projects would be to follow the steps above, but save the page to the Template Project. Then every new Project you create will have this page by default. You can read more about that here https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/44365-creating-projects-and-working-with-the-project-template.

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