Can I "lock" a physical asset?

So can a User "checkout" a physical object and then it is "locked"?

Example- I check out a Camera (Physical Asset)

and then no other User can check the same asset out until I check it in...?






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    Shotgun doesn't control physical assets as it's more of a collaboration and information tracking tool. This type of functionality is often handled by an Asset Management tool.

    You could create a workflow that looks to Shotgun for a field to determine if something can be modified. For example, you could create a datetime field and an entity field linked to People. Then whenever your tool does a "checkout", it looks at these fields to see if the item is currently checked out by seeing if values exist. If not, it allows the checkout, and updates Shotgun with the user and datetime of the checkout. Then when the user checks the item back in using your tool, it clears the values in Shotgun.

    This is very rudimentary and would only work in the most basic of scenarios. Often there quite a bit of advanced logic that is built into Asset Management tools for handling locks like this.

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    Don Parker

    If this is for *physical* assets like a real camera or a Phil Collins CD, maybe this could be a simple setup done by hand?  Especially if there is adult supervision by a librarian of some sort.  Is that what you're after Bryan?

    If so, what if you tracked this with a status field with options for "Checked Out" and "Checked In"?  If you don't have to track history, you could also make fields for who checked it out (people entity field), the date it went out (date field), when it's scheduled to come back (date field), and when it actually came back (date field).  Course, all those fields would have to be cleared and reset the next time someone checks out the item, so history is lost.

    And if these are physical assets that are not mixed with your digital assets, you could use a custom entity for this.  We actually have one called "Physical Asset" that was created to help studios doing mocap track the props going in and out of the volume.  I've seen clients do something similar to track media in tape libraries.  (One day someone is going to write a barcode scanner that can be used with Shotgun, which will be cool!  Maybe that person will be us...)

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