Creating many-to-many fields

So I added a field to Projects called Manager (well at times it has more than one User associated).

The uploader has choked on serial comma, and other separators from an existing Projects in Play excel file leading me to believe it is not a Many to Many -

How do I make a field many to many...?


thanks in advance



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    Isaac Reuben

    Hey Bryan,

    We don't have the option to add many to many fields in the UI yet!  But we're close (it currently requires a db migration to add the join table and the addition of some code to make it work, but we've been refactoring that with the goal in mind of letting you do it in the UI).  Not certain on timing, but I think in the next few months we should be ready to release that.

    One thing you could do right now is link People to Projects (there is a join table for People <-> Projects already), and then add a field on that connect either called Role (which could be a drop-down menu of various roles people might have on a show), or a checkbox called Manager.  Then you can see the list of all people assigned to a project, and what their role is (you can also have more fields like Start and End dates for that person on that project, if you like).  Check out the People tab on the Project dashboard.  There you can use the "Add new User-in-Project field..." option to add a new field which will store values just for the connection between a user and a specific project.

    - Isaac

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    Bryan Holland

    I am still struggling with this one. I have added a Project Spec field that is a checkbox- let 's call it Producer

    I check all that apply.

    So far I am with you.

    BUT How do I get that designation to mean something elsewhere?

    Such as that Producer sees his new assignment when he looks at My View.

    And in a list view see a serial list of Producers in a field... not yet huh?

    and can I then send a note to All Producers?





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    Mike Romey

    So I know this is something people are asking for quite regularly.  I really need to rally support for this feature request.  I am really getting in a bind wnot having the ability to link many to many.  I need to link multiple "Elements" to a single "Version".  My current solution is to make a string field called "Element List" and write scripts to generate a string that is a list of space delaminated element id's.  I have no other way to accomplish this desperately needed feature.  How far off is multiple field linking?  Please help.



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    Isaac Reuben

    Romey, we're actually working on this now.  =)  So should be coming soon.  The first version might be somewhat restricted in what it can do, but we're making progress on this one!

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    This functionality (creating multi-entity fields on an entity for linking many-to-many) was added in v1.11. You can read more about it here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/81662-linking-entities-together-with-entity-link-fields

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