Managing task/asset dependencies.

A rig and texture have a mutual dependency of a particular version of a model.


Say we have these two versions of the same asset:

  • version A of the rig uses version X of the model
  • version B of the rig uses version Y of the model


There is a matching texture asset:

  • version P of the texture uses version X of the model
  • version Q of the texture uses version Y of the model


Now, when the shot hits lighting, we want to attach the animation geocache (which is model-dependent) to the texture (which is also model-dependent). If the animation was built with version A rig, we want to use version P texture in lighting, and the same for B and Q. This happens a lot on mature productions where assets have gone though many iterations.


Shotgun doesn't really have any concept of Shot/Task/Version to Asset/Task/Version dependencies, and Asset/Task/Version to Asset/Task/Version. I can't think of any clean way to do this without many-to-many connections.


Has any other studio come up with a nice way of modeling this?


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    Mike Romey
    Hi Mark, Just started diving into geoCache management in Shotgun. Here is where I am at. We have a publishing tool inside of Maya that either builds a turntable for an asset or a plablast for a shot. Both generate a version inside of shotgun linked to it's corresponding entity. Added a cache check box to both tools that creates new geo caches for those entries and stores and logs them in a custom geoCache entry inside of shotgun. When jobs are rendered a dependency report is generated and stored inside of another custom entity for render logs. The caches are linked to those rendered versions along the way. The users have tools to query Shotgun for the most current geoCache and update the model in Maya. Its only partially rolled out so far, but will return to the forum and provide some details as we progress. Romey
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    Kevin Sallee

    Hi Mike: I read your comment and it's exactly what i need to do here at Cluster studio. I would really love to know the best way to manage that geocache versionning. I'm using Alembic to build my geocaches and i'm starting to integrate everything with versionning in shotgun. If you can help me I would be really greatful.

    Thanks a lot

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