Is it possible to lock fields to update via only the API?

hey Gang,

Is it possible to lock a field from User changes, and allow only API?

Some fields represent information that shouldn't be change by Users at any case, but should be viewed.

Currently  we have no access to lock them.

I'm guessing this issue came up already... any enlightenment you can share?





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    You can control who has access to read, create, update, and delete things using the permissions framework. So to answer your question, yes you can adjust your permissions so that only ApiUsers have access to update certain fields, or entity types. We're still working on our Permissions framework UI as of 1.12 so for now you can submit any requests you have to us at support@shotgunsoftware.com and we'll help make the adjustments for you.

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    Quick update... We now have version 1 of our UI on the Permissions framework, however conditional permissions like these still need to be created by Shotgun Support. We do plan on adding conditional permissions to the UI in our next pass on the UI. 

    Here's the docs on our current Permissions framework and UI: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/122037-permissions

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