linked Task Summaries

on Asset entities I can add fields based on related task summaries

however the available options seem stuck on concept, modeling, rigging, shading and don't seem to reflect the actual task breakdown as defined by the task template I have asigned (which has a very different lost of tasks)

the wierd thing is I'm sure I had this working as expected a while ago - I have the feeling I am missing something but I don't know what :)


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    Stu Aitken

    on a very similar note


    if I update my asset task template tasks (ie edit their properties - NOT create new tasks) then 'pushing' these changes onto any existing assets doesn't seem to work (ie the existing tasks still have the older settings)

    if I delete a task from the template then pushing the update does not delete that task from any existing assets (I kinda understand that one but it would be nice if it was a least an option...)

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    Stu Aitken

    ahhh - ok

    I see that the task summaries summarise status on all tasks assigned to a certain task TYPE...not the actual task themselves

    its also seems that it will only summarise types listed in the available types for that entity (ie the configure field dialogue for task types lets you list available task types per entity type) even though its totally possible to make a task type that is NOT available for that entity...

    starting to see how this is wired up now, but  alot of it is pretty non-obvious at first, and perhaps a little inconsistent?


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    Stu Aitken

    sorry typo-that should have read "even though its totally possible to assign a task type that is NOT available for that entity..."

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    Stu Aitken

    ok final note on this

    if I add a task summary field for the default task types these come up with a nice short name - eg

    • art type task summaries show "Concept " (the menu item for picking this says "Concept (Art status)")
    • modeling type task summaries show "Modelling" (the menu item for picking this says "Modeling  (Model status)")


    however if I add a new task type (lets refer to it as "New_Type")  and choose to add a new status summary field for these on linked entities then they don't have this nice short name and the new field will be called something like "New_Type status summary" (the menu option simply says " New_Type status")

    I know I can change the field header on a per page basis but I was wondeirng if these nice short names were somehow configurable or are the defaults hard coded somehow?

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    Isaac Reuben

    Hey Stu,

    Just wanted to let you know that we're currently working on big changes to how these task summaries work.  We'll be able to actually show the real task fields (status, assigned to, dates, etc) in the Shot or Asset grid, instead of just the uneditable single field for the status summary (if there are multiple tasks will show multiple lines or a summary of all those tasks).  This next release will be out in 5-8 weeks, so stay tuned for more details.

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    Stu Aitken

    ok - cool


    good to know :)

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    We've now replaced Task Types with Pipeline Steps as of v1.11. This was a thorough rewrite of how all of the Task summary stuff works and has closed up any weird loopholes or inconsistencies that may have existed previously. Summaries are now also calculated on the client-side dynamically by Pipeline Step. You can read about all of the changes a features of this work here https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/83863-task-pipelines-and-steps

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