Timelogs - can they link to assets/shots ?


I must be missing something with the timelogs.

Trying to be concise, the thing im not getting is that right now, timelogs are not linked to specific assets/shots/tasks. They simply make reference to the 'notion' of a particular type of task eg, Light, Model. That is at least, from the view of a person interacting with the UI.

Which is to say, when you look at a persons log, it tells you they spent 3 hours modelling on a particular day. It doesnt tell you what they were modelling or how long that thing was supposed to take to model.

Currently, the 'link' column within Timelogs is actually making reference to a 'task', not a 'link'.

I have searched the docs, fiddled with the UI and I cannot manage to actually generate a link between a timelog and an entity such as an asset.

Ideally we would like the timelogs to link to things like assets.

I will assume this can already be done and I just havent figured out how :)

Oh yeah, Happy new year !



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    Nephi Sanchez

    Hi Clinton,


    Great question!


    You can enable Timelogs to link to additional things (e.g. Shots, Assets, etc.) by right clicking on the 'Link' column header, from a Timelogs page:



    ...and then selecting "Configure Field", which will bring up an overlay where you can select additional entities:




    Another important thing to point out is that although Timelogs maybe linked to a Task, you can always see what that Task is linked to, which is usually a Shot or an Asset.  To expose this, click on the column manager, then select "Link" > "Task" > "Link" :




    Which will show you:





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    clinton downs
    Wow, I totally missed that one! The solution seems so obvious now. Thanks so much for putting together a comprehensive response - extremely helpful. Why can't all software teams be like you guys? :)
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