How can I highlight and track changes to My Tasks?

How can I keep track of changes to my Tasks either with notifications or by clearly seeing any changes in Shotgun?

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    (yep, I'm answering my own question... ;) )

    We get this type of question a lot, and it's prompted us to go ahead an build some new features into Shotgun.

    New Notification Options

    With the release of 1.12, we have added a new notification option for Tasks. You can now subscribe to email updates for Tasks Assigned To you or a Group you're in, or for Tasks Cc'd to you or a Group you are in. This option will group changes made over a short period of time and email them to you in a summary email so you can be notified. You can read more about them at https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/21638#task_notifications

    Using Conditional Formatting

    Also in 1.12, we added conditional rule-based formatting. So in this case, you could add formatting rules to your My Tasks page to highlight Tasks that have changed say, in the last day. Create a formatting rule to match Tasks where the "Date Updated" is "in the last" "1 day". Then you can  easily see the Tasks that may have changed recently and check them out. More on conditional formatting is availablehttps://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/76206-changing-field-and-row-color-and-font-styles-with-explicit-and-rule-based-conditional-formatting (whoa... that's a long link!)

    The "Read/Unread" workflow

    Tasks don't currently have the idea of "read" or "unread" like email does. We've heard sometimes users would like to see this so they can see if any information has changed since the last time they viewed a Task. However, Notes and Tickets in Shotgun do have this field and you can use it to setup a formatting rule much like your email client might do, making Notes and Tickets that are unread bold to make them stand out. 

    The difference that Tasks have from this, is that Notes and Tickets prompt clicking in to a detail page to read the conversation while Tasks don't generally require an additional click which would then mark is as "read". We're still exploring the similarities between Notes, Tickets, and Tasks with all of you since there's clearly some significant overlap and would love to hear more thoughts you have on the topic.

    More Notification Options are Coming

    We've also been talking about a new notification framework to track any changes that you define (on a page, on an entity, etc.) and then subscribe to those via email, rss, or some other method (growl?) to stay better informed of the constantly changing information that is your production. It's currently on our roadmap for late this year, but we'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Check out the feature request forum thread and share your thoughts so we can make sure we're building the right thing. https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/25769-better-notification-system

    Hopefully some of these ideas will get you going for now tracking the changes to your Tasks more effectively. 

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