The managers have no access to new projects created by themselves

Hi Guys,

I have a funny problem with Shotgun. :-)

A person who belongs to the Manager group can create new Projects. But after the creation he/she can't access to the project which is created by himself/herself.

I think it has no sense. The good logic IMHO: If someone has a right to create a project, it should be automatically link him/her to the new project created by him/her.

Please tell me, whether my opinion is OK for you and it'll appear in Shotgun soon, or I have to look an other solution (e.g. by installing an event driven trigger to it).

Thanks in advance, Jana


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    Armando Ricalde

    Yes, that's something I noticed since we started using SG, but for some reason I forgot to ask about it.

    We aleviate that funny problem by adding "Users" to the creation form and overriding the field label to "Add yourself here". If the manager is added himself/herself to the project at creation stage he/she will be able to access.


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    Don Parker

    Hi Janos and Armando, I agree that the software should know that a manager creating a project should be added to that project.  What if we update the project creation form with a box to add people to the new project?  Then we can insert the name of the person creating the project in there as a default, so they'd have to actually remove themselves if they didn't want to be added to the project for some reason.

    Think that will solve this issue?

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    János Sziliczi

    Hi Don,

    Yes, it's a nice solution. Don't hesitate to implement it! :-)

    -- Jana

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