Artist home page post v2.0: always empty widget

Hi All,

There is a nice and usable new homepage introduced since v2.0. I like it, but we have a problem on the Artist tab page.

The "My Assigned Tasks" widget contains no data at all even if the artist has tasks. But the tasks appear on the "Previous (Pre 2.0) Layout" tab page at the same time and the changes on them also appear in the "Updates to My Tasks" widget.

The description of the "My Assigned Tasks" widget says "You don't have any open Tasks assigned to you", but what "open" means???

There is no status called "open" in the possible statuses of the status field of Task by default. I tried all default statuses (all changes appeared in the "update" widget) but I couldn't see any tasks on the appropriate artist's post v2.0 home page.

How can artists see their active (e.g. in progress, ready to start) tasks in the "My Assigned Tasks" widget?

Thanks, Janos

1 comment

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    Don Parker

    Hi János, sounds like there's a configuration problem on that page.  Can you send the URL to our support line at support@shotgunsoftware.com ?  We'll take a look and straighten things out.  Sorry for the troubles!

    By the way, we use "Open" in this context to mean any Task that isn't "Final".  I can see how that's confusing, so we'll think through better copy for that page.

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