Game Development

There are a lot of features and customization options with Shotgun, but I've been finding it frustrating to figure out best practices and overall workflow to employ for Game Dev. The docs I've read through so far cover lots of features, but I haven't found docs that cover the overall approach and link features together into an overall workflow. I understand that different groups have different workflows, but I'd like to see a single suggested overall workflow (beginning to end). 

  1. Could someone please list the overall workflow for Game Development where you have a series of levels? Where's a best place to start? Do you start by creating a level and then assigning tasks and then assets? Or do you create a level, then assets, and then tasks?
  2. How is the "Game with Levels" Project Template intended to be used?
  3. In the "Game with Levels" template why are "Assets" and "Levels" the only thing listed under the "Art" folder, whereas the "Game with Teams" Project Template has "Notes, Tasks and Teams" under the "Art" folder?



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    Don Parker

    Hi Brad, you are right that our docs are focused on the "pieces" and not so much on overall workflows for specific production types.  Sorry about that!  We'll hook you up ASAP.

    Quick background:  We now have templates for more than 10 industries (vfx, animation, mocap services, software dev, episodic tv, etc.) and have been trying to figure out how to provide docs for each in an efficient way.  One idea led to the launch of a new team here called the "Street Team", which is made up of Production savy folks who have used Shotgun in production for years and are designing these templates and collaborating with our clients on how to make them better.

    Maybe we can work with you on the games template to answer your questions and configure/tune it to better support your workflow?  As part of that process, we can also begin work on the overall workflow doc for games and improve our demo project layouts (the fact that the "Games with Levels" demo project is missing some pages is a mistake!  But that's an easy fix.).

    If you're cool with that, we'll ping you offline to set up a jam session.  Then we'll report updates back to this thread.

    (Anyone else reading this can email support@shotgunsoftware.com to request a free demo/tuning session with the Street Team).

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